What the music conveys is my most genuine life experience.

— Yangjin Lamu

Voice of Tibetan Goddess of Music

The name “Yangjin Lamu” means "Sarasvati" in Tibetan, the goddess of wisdom and art.

Music is Yangjin’s favorite way of communication. She loves to sing and is always looking for a path different from the mainstream valued by market and from ordinary professional singers. When she met "Bohemian Band" formed by a group of young and little-known rock musicians in Taiwan, their free mind and the way of improvising music made Yangjin decide to start a long-term cooperation with them.

Yangjin said, “We did not use traditional musical instruments, but instead used Western folk instruments such as guitars, banjo, mandolins, dijeridoo. United with the Tibetan mantras, this was a journey to pursue the spiritual answers through sound."

They left the studio and got away into to the mountains, beaches, and the places closest to nature to improvise music. Music, emotions, and melody flow out of Yangjin's body endlessly like water.